Tuesday, September 11, 2007

White Out Run

We couldn’t hear the car
Coming from behind
Hushed as it was
On white mufflers.

As it passed we could see
The windshield wipers
Going to and fro
Two fingers scolding us

We trudged onward
Seeking the half way point
Running shoes digging in deeper
Deeper into the pure white snow.

We turned into the park and
Became polar explorers
No passage of man or beast could be seen ahead and
The marks we left behind, quickly disappeared.

At times you couldn’t see the path
Blinded by sudden gusts of wind and snow
Exposed flesh being stung by millions of
Tiny, cold, white crystals.

We ran heads down
To escape the fury
My beard now covered
In breath turned to ice.

We existed alone in a world of white thoughts.
Depending on each other for survival
Or so the mind fantasized
As we laughed aloud like two kids.

And then turned back.

Bill – December 5th 2002
After running with a friend through a blizzard.

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