Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Of Rain & Convertibles

Driving with the top down
A commitment of sorts
Like life

And the showers forecast
Also like life
Sometimes sun, Sometimes rain

Should I stop,
Put the top up
Continue on in safety?

Or push on – and live,
Take a chance,
Mayby get wet.

I choose the latter,
With most of the rain
Deflected up & away.

Of the cold spray that gets through,
Striking my face
Stinging refreshment.

It tastes of life
It’s wonderful diversity,
Unexpected, Welcome.

It was not always so.
There was a crossroad,
A series of wrong turns, bad decisions.

I chose safety over confrontation,
Lies over truth, death over life,
So close - almost an end.

And to what End?
What would I have missed?
What would not have been?

The friends made,
The lives touched
Been touched by.

The experiences, good & bad,
The sunny days, the squalls,
The storms , the clearing.

I drive on.
I wipe the wet from my face – And Think,
Even this, Yes even this, would be missed.

Bill Schatzabel 07/01/2008


JimMollo said...

This is wonderful. You should post more often.

Bill said...

Thanks Jim. Sometimes if you push it and just try to write, all you get is frustration. Then there are times when you sit down and write for hours. Sometimes you just have something to say.

Anonymous said...

I like this one a lot Bill.