Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Seasons

Would that I were like the seasons
Never looking back
Always moving
Always changing
Renewing all that was

Seasons have no regrets
Each period has purpose
Each necessary for what follows,
What is to come, what is next
But never the need to look back.

The lesser of God’s creatures
Live in that moment of creation – called now
Tasting life to the fullest
While we, who presume to be masters of all.
Cower in our mortality

Bill Schatzabel – Sept. 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I Seem To Remember

Memories adrift on a dark sea,
They invade my conscious mind,
Like snapshots, vignettes of a time, of a life, a past life,
Neither particularly wanted nor needed
But there all the same - And, like the tips of icebergs,
More below the surface than above.

They have a peculiar ability
To extract laughs and tears, and , pain;
Yes, the pain is there too,
It's always there – You know -
Waiting like some crouching beast.

Harmless memories:
Cleaning a desk at the end of 1st grade
With lemons brought from home.
Watching as the ink from a thousand missspellled words - is pulled,
Pulled from the fabric of the wood.

Almost Funny memories:
Of singing a tisket a tasket,
In a dreary school basement, on a rainy afternoon.
Of walking into a wall and the blinding light of pain:
And, as I lay dazed on the floor, the Nun hovering above,
Like some vast Gothic specter in black and white.

Most Everyday memories:
Walking to and from our little Catholic school,
Day in, Day out, regardless of the weather,
We walked: down the hill and up the hill,
Carrying books and lunch - And contraband.
There was always contraband.

Painful Memories:
Of a visit from our father on one of those rare occasions.
Of being told to hug him – And wondering, Why?
Of his smacking my brother - for saying - a word,
That sounded like a curse - but wasn't a curse –
Which he would have known, had he been there
More than rarely.

Exciting Memories:
Of moving to a new neighborhood.
To be on our own – away from him.
Just me and John,
And Carol and Mom
Friends to make, alley's to explore.
A new school, A new life, A new beginning.

Elusive Memories:
As, if you were to ask me,
What was it like, As a kid, back there, in that dim, dim past.
I would stare blankly – I wouldn't know what to say.
The memories fail when they are bidden.
They seem to have a life and a will of their own.
They cannot be coerced. They cannot be forced.
They come as they will, and All I am permitted to do,
Is record their passing.

Bill Schatzabel - June 14, 2009

Black & White

I remember the first grade
Drawings of block letters
Around the room, above the blackboard
Small letters – a,b,c,d and
Big letters – E,F,G,H
Learned by rote from women
In black and white.

We’d draw them over and over again
With stubby pencils
Or erase them until there
Were holes in the paper
Until they were perfect
Images on ruled paper
In black and white

We learned how to go from place to place
Two by two, hand in hand, smallest to largest
No talking on the stairs
No pushing, no shoving.
Everything was good or bad, right or wrong
All the lessons learned ,
Were In black and white.

And now things are not so simple
The maybes and what ifs pull at the mind
The grays and hues cloud our thoughts
Where once we acted decisively
Now we grind to a halt, and think, and ponder,
And yearn for the days when everything was -
In Black and white.

Bill S. 1/2007

Friday, March 27, 2009

Utopia Achieved

It never seems to change
We never seem to learn.
Old men argue - Young men die.
Ignorant of history – fooled by bravado

Now we begin again
Whipped up in a frenzy
Of righteous rhetoric
We grant the power to destroy,
We loose the dogs of war.

We believe our leaders to be intelligent,
Far seeing, as they lead us to war.
Only the ignorant and near sighted,
Would lead us to peace

And it has to happen, of course. Time after time.
Consider the cyclical nature of war.
If we are overly long at peace, Away from the killing
It starts again. We seem powerless to stop it. This, our legacy.

But now we have made war safe for the middle class.
Kids go off to college, in Polo shirts and Dockers.
We no longer fear the draft board. The armies
are now filled with the children of under-achievers.
They are poorly educated, unwanted in business, expendable.

No longer do we fear losing our best and brightest to war.
The machines do all the work, Terrors of technology.
The uneducated, just drive them, a useful occupation, if they survive.
The machines do all the killing, Marvels of science and efficiency.
Our expendable children just point them and the human losses are acceptable..

Utopia achieved.

Bill Schatzabel – Nov 2002

Friday, March 20, 2009


Do you recognize the look
He or She – It does not matter
Sitting perfectly still
Looking small, shrunken, used up.
In their chairs.

The detritus of life
Humanities leftovers
Sitting perfectly still, making no sound
Lest they call attention to themselves.

Do you recognize the old
He or she – I cannot tell
Sitting perfectly still
Waiting for the end. . .Waiting for - God
In their chairs.

Remember it well - that look
For as the days rush past With merciless precision
That time will come, when the one-
Sitting in the chair,
Making no sound
Sitting perfectly still
Is you.

WHS: 08/13/03